Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome (CHS) is a rare but increasingly recognized condition with perplexing symptoms which commonly include, but are not …

Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome
Nausea and vomiting relieved by hot showers or baths are typical symptoms of cannabinoid hyperemesis.
Until further information or alternative cannabis preparations are available that do not provoke CHS symptoms, our best advice is that total abstention from cannabis is necessary for affected patients to avoid additional attacks.” - Dr. Ethan Russo, Board Certified Neurologist and CHS Researcher
It’s a myth that Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome (CHS) isn’t real or is psychosomatic. Instead, it is a real condition triggered by high-volume, chronic THC consumption that occurs in a small population of genetically predisposed people.
I've been smoking since I was 17, with constant daily usage of cannabis products starting when I was about 18 years old. This amounted to at least 2 grams of flower every day! My first episode was in 2019. I woke up one morning with severe abdominal pain and a full feeling in my gut while I was …